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 1. Mary (Molly) Jolly
   + Joseph Patrick Thompson
      2. Joseph Robert Thompson
        + Mary Katherine Harris
           3. Elizabeth A. Thompson
             + Jarrett Doss
                4. Nancy E. Doss
                  + Leander James Pace
                     5. Joanna(Annie) Pace
                       + Oscar Olen Lankford
                          6. Loy Olen Lankford
                            + Georgia Allene Hayes
                               7. Catherine Margaret Lankford
                                 + Jefferson Lamar Banks
                                   8. Jefferson Lamar Banks Jr.
                          6. VASSIE VERLIN LANKFORD
                            + WALTER AUGUSTUS CARROLL
                               7. inf CARROLL
                               7. JOHN WALTER CARROLL
                                 + KATHERINE MOYERS BETTS
                                   8. MARGIE CATHERINE CARROLL
                                   8. MARY JANE CARROLL
                                   8. BARBARA ANN CARROLL
                               7. JAMES EUGENE CARROLL
                                 + MARION LAVINIA YANCEY
                                   8. JAMES PHILLIP CARROLL
                                   8. MARGARET ANN CARROLL
                                   8. JOHN EUGENE CARROLL
                               7. BETTY ANN CARROLL
                                 + ELBERT CECIL MURDOCK
                                   8. MILDRED CARROLL MURDOCK
                                   8. GREGORY STEPHEN MURDOCK
                                   8. FRANK CRISLER MURDOCK
                               7. MILDRED CHARLOTTE CARROLL
                                 +Rev. CLAUDE E. SMITHMIER
                                   8. CLAUDIA LYNN SMITHMIER
                                   8. LINDA JANE SMITHMIER
                                   8. WALTER LAWRENCE SMITHMIER
                          6. inf Lankford
                     5. George Pace
                     5. Mary E. Pace
             + Thomas Beaver
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