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•1. Robert Gosnold III
  •+ Ursula Naughton (of Letheringham)
      2. Robert Gosnold IV
           3. Anthony Gosnold
        + Amy Forth
      2. Richard Gosnold
      2. John Gosnold
        + Winifred Windsor
     •2. Elizabeth Gosnold
       •+ Thomas Keene
          •3. Thomas Keene II
            •+ Mary Thorley
               •4. William Keene
                 •+ Elizabeth Rogers
                    •5. Elizabeth Keene
                      •+ Samuel Samford
                         •6. William Samford
                           •+ Elizabeth Langhee
                              •7. Mary Samford
                                •+ John Morgan
                                  •8. Matthew Morgan
                          6. giles Samford
                          6. john Samford
                          6. samuel Samford
                          6. elizabeth Samford
                     5. Sarah Keene
                     5. William Keene
                     5. John Keene
                       + Elizabeth Oliver
                          6. Elizabeth Keene
                            + Edgecomb Suggett
                               7. Edgecombe Suggett
                                 + Constance Edmondson
                                 + Molly Jones
                               7. Sarah Suggett
                                 + John Jones
                     5. Hannah Keene
                       +Col. John Bushrod
                     5. f. Keene
                4. Susanna Keene
                  + John Gardner
                4. Thomas Keene
                4. Matthew Keene
                  + Bridgett
                     5. Elizabeth Keene
                       + James Withers
                     5. Ursula Keene
           3. Henry Keene
      2. Edmund Gosnold
      2. Anthony Gosnold
        + Ursula Pratt
      2. Thomas Gosnold
      2. Dorothy Gosnold
      2. Ann Gosnold
        + Edmond Warner
      2. Ursula Gosnold
        + Francis Pratt
        + Thomas Cuttler
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