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GenProg 2.0
version 2.0 [alpha build 70]
© 1993 - 2021 Jim Nicholls.

What it is:
GenProg is a free genealogy program that uses non-proprietary tables to store data.

GenProg allows you to track your pedigree back as far as you can go. Version 1 had a practical limit of approximately 1000 years. Version 2 has been tested back 1500 years but should be unlimited. There is now no limit to the number of cousins that can be tracked (version 1's limit was 10th cousins). The Report generator and the Display are customizable for spouses, children, and census returns so you can limit a report to just one spouse or all spouses that either person was married to along with just their children or all children of all spouses. Or anything in between. The Census tab allows you to track where a family was at a given time with a glance. These can be tailored to show other records such as tax records or deeds to aid in tracking a family's movements. There is room for extensive individual notes and family histories which can then be printed from the program.

New Features for version 2
• QuickNav system to navigate up and down through direct ancestors quickly.
• Changes to the layout of several of the forms.
• More choices for text and colors.
• Customizable display and reports.
• Program capacity is now one billion persons. However, I expect the 2GB file size limit will be reached first.
Ahnentafel number limit is in excess of 74,491,912,863,744 (about 1500 years).
Dynamically generate Pedigree charts in HTML (up to 13 generations per chart).
More reports.
Individuals are fully linkable (i.e. you will be able to add the parents/families of step-parents and parents/families of the spouses of aunts and uncles and THEIR parents etc. and if they connect back into the tree, you can do so). The goal being to create a true "World Connect".
Search by partial or full name or by record number.
Behind the scenes - major changes to data tables.

System Requirements:
GenProg will run on a 486-133Mhz (if you can find one...) but a Pentium/K6-500 is recommended as a minimum. As always, more is better. The program requires less than 1MB to install but can grow to four, five, or possibly 10MB or more as you add family members and background.
Operating Systems: Windows 98, XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Linux/Wine. (Windows 2000, and Millennium are assumed).

*NOTE: support will likely be dropped for Windows versions prior to XP with alpha 66.

Screenshots: some time in the future