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Name: Baxter, Augustus M[ilner]
Unit: 16th Battalion GA Cavalry, Company K
Born: 29 Jul 1845
Died: 30 Jul 1930
Militia age (if given): 

1860 Census:
Militia District/Post Office: 404 Suwanee
Age: [15]
[information in brackets is presumed based on other sources because the individual hasn't been located in the 1860 census]

Family Information: (not from census)
Father: Joseph Walker
Mother: Faith Brogdon
Wife: Eunice Strickland
Buried: Level Creek Methodist (LCM)

Roster Information:
BAXTER, AUGUSTUS M.: Pvt., absent detailed horse detail for 35 days from 9/26/1864 per roll of 10/31/1864, NFR, born 7/29/1845, died 7/30/1930, last surviving GA mem. of co., bur. in Level Creek Cem., Gwinnett Co., res. of Gwinnett Co., GA, age 15, son of Joseph W., family owned 7 slaves.