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Name: Pounds, John L.
Rank: Corp
Unit: 12th GA Lt Artillery, Company C(3rd)
Born: 22 Nov 1842
Died: 22 Dec 1885
Militia age (if given): 

1860 Census:
Militia District/Post Office: 
Age: [18]
[information in brackets is presumed based on other sources because the individual hasn't been located in the 1860 census]

Family Information: (not from census)
Father: John
Buried: Pounds (POU)

Roster Information:
Pounds John L., Cpl., Enlisted 4/26/62, Stone Mountain, Wounded rt thigh and captured at Fort Stedman near Petersburg 3/25/65, Released 10/27/65, Transportation furnished to Stone Mountain. 1850 Census list John L. Pounds age 8 living Gwinnett Co. in the household of John Pounds, a farmer. John L. Pounds 11/22/42 - 12/22/85 buried Pounds Cemetery, US 29 S near Jimmy Carter Blvd. in North Royal Atlanta business park.