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Name: Wheeler, Richard [M]
Rank: Pvt
Unit: 9th GA Lt Artillery, Company D
Born: 18 July 1843
Died: 19 Mar 1917
Militia age (if given): 

1860 Census:
Militia District/Post Office: 
Age: [17]
[information in brackets is presumed based on other sources because the individual hasn't been located in the 1860 census]

Family Information: (not from census)
Wife: Abby

Roster Information:
Wheeler Richard M – Enlisted as private in Company F 6th Georgia State troops Oct 21st 1861. April 16 1862 shows him present Mustered out of Savannah, Ga. April 1862 Enlisted as a private in Company D 9th battalion Ga. Artillery. R.M. Wheeler witness for Morgan S. Brown pension application & William Hay Enlisted at KirkWood, Ga Wifes Pension Mrs. Abie Wheeler 1919 Masarried Dec 7, 1871 Boern 18 July 1843 Died March 19, 1917 in Gwinnett county, Ga. R.M Wheelers pension states wounded bu horse falling over embankment on top of me left arm near shoulder and left shoulder dislocated and spinal cord injured and partially paralyzed legs so as to render him unfit for service. Placed in hospiatl in Knoxville for six months and then furloughed home. After furlough returned to company at Bristol Tenn. In 1864 and served till April 9, 1865 Appomattox