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Name: Young, David W.
Rank: Pvt
Unit: 9th GA Lt Artillery, Company D
Born: Dec 1830
Died: 15 Jul 1918
Militia age (if given): 

1860 Census:
Militia District/Post Office: 
Age: [30]
Wife: [nancy]
[information in brackets is presumed based on other sources because the individual hasn't been located in the 1860 census]

Family Information: (not from census)
Wife: Nancy A. Jenkins

Roster Information:
Young David W. Resides at Norcross, Georgia since 1846 Born in December 1830 in South Carolina Enlisted in May 1862 in Gwinnett County Served 11 months and was discharged March 1863 due to epilepsy occupation farmer and was home at the time of surrender Witness William Born and Tyler Macon Peeples 1906 pension Died July 15, 1918 Wife Nancy A (Jenkins)Young Pensions 1918 She died May 31st 1921