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Name: Burnett, Samuel P.
Rank: Pvt
Unit: 24th GA Infantry, Company F
Born: 31 Aug 1841
Died: 2 Sep 1926
Militia age (if given): 

1860 Census:
Militia District/Post Office: 407 Lawrenceville
Age: 18
Father: Joseph [as Bernett]
Mother: Drucillah
[information in brackets is presumed based on other sources because the individual hasn't been located in the 1860 census]

Family Information: (not from census)
Father: William CATONJoseph
Mother: Drucilla HENSON
Wife: Milicent Virginia Overton
Buried: Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Walton Co.

Roster Information:
Burnett, Samuel P. -- Private - August 24, 1861. Transferred to Company E, 3rd Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters June 8, 1863. Captured at Deep Bottom, Virginia August 16, 1864. Released at Elmira, New York, July 7, 1865.