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Name: Cole, George
Rank: Pvt
Unit: 12th GA Lt Artillery, Company C(3rd)
Born: 1814
Died: 1866
Militia age (if given): 

1860 Census:
Militia District/Post Office: 
Age: [46]
[information in brackets is presumed based on other sources because the individual hasn't been located in the 1860 census]

Family Information: (not from census)
Wife: Sarah Amanda Nash

Roster Information:
Cole George, Pvt., Enlisted 4/28/62, Stone Mountain, Transferred to 1st GA Inf. 3/19/64. PR Widow applied Gwinnett Co. 2/1/01 living Snellville. She was born 1827 in Dekalb Co. now age 74. George was born 1814 in KY. George Cole married Sarah Amanda Nash at Stone Mountain, GA. George Cole died 1866 at Augusta, GA. At the time of application, she had no family. She stated that George lost his right arm in about the last fighting of the war. He came home in the Summer of 1865 his arm not cured up. She thought that his unit surrendered at Bentonville, NC. Witness Andrew Garner of Gwinnett Co. stated that he and George enlisted together 5/62, and George remained with the company until 9/64 at Savannah. He was then swapped off from the company for another man, and from 9/64 he was a member of 1st GA Reg.