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1864 Gwinnett Tax Digest Abstract

Name:  Bramlett, J. O.
Polls:  1

Number of sheep you now have:  
Sheep killed by dogs in last 12 months:  
Number of dogs on your premises:  1
Your own children between 6 and 18:  
Children between 6 and 18 as guardian:  
Number of hands between 12 and 15:  
Number of hands between 15 and 55:  4
Number of hands between 55 and 65:  

Acres:  240
Land Lot:  
District:  5
Aggregate value of land:  5000
Aggregate value of city/town property:  
Number of slaves:  
Aggregate value of slaves:  
Militia District:  Lawrenceville
Page:  62
Line number:  17